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A blockchain is a decentralized electronic ledger — a set of records available to all parties on the immutable ledger, i.e. cannot be changed, only added to. Any additions to the ledger have to be agreed upon by all parties using mathematical proof, and everyone can inspect the ledger. There is no assumed trust or faith that the records are correct; they are proven accurate by computation by multiple independent parties.
This ability to make records immutable made the use of blockchain attractive to cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin. Still, more and more non-financial applications of blockchains are being discovered and, most importantly, applied.
Governing the administration of digital identities and entitlements and assigning entitlements to identities is central to any platform. Still, governance often takes the form of a periodic manual check that is error-prone and delayed.
In principle, maintaining identity and entitlements in the blockchain provides a tamper-proof mechanism to ensure identities can only access resources based on their entitlements (which can be inspected at any time, and any changes are visible). In practice, identities shouldn’t be stored in a decentralized ledger since this may constitute a PI breach, but a ‘pointer’ to identity can be stored. The concept of self-sovereign identities makes this possible since only the user has control over their identity record (similar in concept to a physical passport, but the passport number can be validated).
Blockchains offer an alternative to a central authority for managing application-specific applications. Anything we can prove with a smart contract can be used to exchange the currency for provable actions, like transferring a file.
FreelancoDAO is a groundbreaking digital revolution that utilizes blockchain technology to facilitate the exchange of digital assets in the form of custom NFTs and resolve conflicts via ERC20 voting and reputation-based voting power. The platform employs smart contracts for conducting transactions. Unlike other businesses, FreelancoDAO’s decentralized nature ensures disputes will be resolved fairly and transparently.
We are the world’s first freelance platform to incorporate Artificial Intelligence (AI) Models into decision-making in a decentralized fashion.
The results of this model will be evident to all DAO members and parties involved in the dispute. This ensures the decision-making process remains transparent to all members and negates any biases in the DAO. FreelancoDAO represents a new breed of decentralized exchange that enables swift conflict resolution by eliminating the need for a third-party mediator, thus cutting down on decision-making time. The business boasts a user-friendly interface to meet client's needs, who often face challenges. To enable freelancers and clients to conduct business and settle disputes fairly, FreelancoDAO provides a decentralized approach to conflict resolution.
The FreelancoDAOs NFT token allows holders to review the evidence and resolve disputes through popular vote. Conflicts on the FreelancoDAO platform will be resolved impartially using GPT-4 in a decentralized fashion. The forum will be developed indexing block data to comment on and assess the conditions of a dispute for communication between the DAO members in an open-source and decentralized manner. The FreelancoDAO website will be freely accessible to everyone. These reasons make FreelancoDAO the best option for practicing fair and open negotiations and secure transactions with trustworthy people worldwide.