Smart Contracts

The FreelancoDAO smart contract is the key to unlocking the full potential of the freelance industry. For too long, freelancers and clients have been at the mercy of centralized intermediaries, leading to unfair and incomplete dispute resolution. FreelancoDAO is changing all that by providing a decentralized autonomous organization that empowers freelancers and clients to resolve conflicts in a transparent, efficient, and democratic way.

With the Freelanco smart contract, clients can be confident that their payments will only be released when the agreed-upon deliverables are met, providing them with a level of security and accountability not available with traditional intermediaries. Freelancers, conversely, can be sure they will be compensated fairly for their work without worrying about the risk of non-payment or delayed payment.

The transparency and immutability of the Freelanco smart contract ensure that all parties can verify the authenticity and accuracy of the transaction history, making it easier to resolve any disputes that may arise. This eliminates the need for costly and time-consuming legal proceedings, providing a faster and more efficient way to resolve conflicts.

Contract Address

The contract is deployed on the Polygon Mumbai blockchain with the following address (Tally)

Timelock: 0xC948Fa31931B93357e2De278Ae4339C150356391
NFT: 0x94941723D11ef0FA4b279cC31137c85997CBB89E
Freelanco: 0x28C24Cc5c8e0d39D9DE96ad394210708816ff233
Governor: 0xc35E1144242cfA6DfB74B6f1090ba15f938BE85c

Last updated